New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Do any Lisp beginners want to collaborate on a simple project to learn?

Ask HN: Do any Lisp beginners want to collaborate on a simple project to learn?
2 by elamje | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I recently decided that I wanted to take my CS skills to the next level, and learning LISP(Scheme/Clojure/etc.) was going to be a part of that process. I am fairly capable with code in general(did a lot in undergrad, and now work with C# professionally), but really just beginning with Scheme(bought SICP), and Clojure and I want to continue by making something cool, simple and open-source. I really just want to gauge interest among people in a similar stage of learning, so we can possibly come together to write something simple, yet meaningful enough to motivate us. I'm open to really any major LISP, although it seems that Scheme and Clojure offer a nice community to work with. If you are interested message me on Keybase at j3elam, or twitter at elamje. Or comment of course:)

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