New ask Hacker News story: 4/7 Engineer

4/7 Engineer
13 by exactchange | 9 comments on Hacker News.
I've been at a new job for about a month. So far it's great, catered meals, WFH days, nice work-life balance and so-on. Yesterday I had my first 1:1 with my manager, in which he told me the company has rated me as a "4 out of 7" in terms of skill. The conversation was pretty friendly, we were laughing etc. but as the day went on I kept thinking "4 out of 7? Based on what metrics?". I asked my manager what the rating is based on over Slack, no response. Later in the day after we had talked about other stuff, asked again briefly, no response. What the job has been like so far: • I worked with design in my 1st week to prototype 3 different design systems in CRA apps – basically todo-list apps using different UI libraries. The goal was to see which React app was easiest for designers or Rails devs (and anyone else who is anti-styled components) to jump in and modify styles, and which system seemed easiest to extend. Ended up choosing a system, and building a bridge between CSS and styled so devs can use styled-components and designers can use SASS and both will work, design seemed happy, we presented to the company, everyone clapped. Yay, great first week. • The next week was training 8 hours a day with the other new hires, and I got no tasks for a week. • Third week I'm back into the mix. We just switched to Auth0 so I was tasked to write the e2e tests to test logging in with our new provider, using various authentication methods. I also reviewed a number of PRs, and fixed some small/easy front-end bugs. • 4th week I had my 1:1 where they said I'm a "4 out of 7". I know I haven't exactly been doing rocket science in my first month here, but I've done everything they've told me to within the allotted time. We have 2-week sprints and usually only have a couple of tasks. From my perspective this job is really easy, so I'm confused. Anyone heard of this system, or know what I can do to improve my rating?

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