New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Feature request: Simple tagging system

Ask HN: Feature request: Simple tagging system
5 by brundolf | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I read HN so I have an ear to the ground of the software industry. However, probably 70% of the articles lately have nothing to do with software. Probably 50% of them center around corporate power abuse, government overreach, or other dystopian topics. The constant stream of this kind of content has been a marked detriment to my mental health. I'm sure I'm not alone. I know HN makes a point to remain minimalistic, but the only solution I can think of is a simple tagging/filtering system. HN could hard-code a handful of tags to make things simpler; "software", "science", "philosophy", "geopolitics", and "random points of interest" would probably cover everything. Require that new posts (at least those with URLs) be given exactly one of these tags, and give each of them a separate link at the top of the site, the way "ask" and "show" have their own links right now. Some requested features on HN can be outsourced to mirror sites or native apps that do scraping, etc. But this one is unique in that it's a data issue. Articles can't be determined to fit into one of these categories without the original poster including that information. I ask you to consider what this would do for reducing the constant inflammation that happens in social media, which HN hasn't been totally immune to.

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