New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Founders, how much time do you spend on your startup per week?

Ask HN: Founders, how much time do you spend on your startup per week?
5 by pstrazzulla | 4 comments on Hacker News.
I had a conversation with a friend who said they worked 12 hrs/week on their company when they were raising money, he was too depressed dealing with a lot of rejection to do more than that. Three years later got an offer to sell the company for $250 mm, which he turned down. He was a lot more productive after he finished the fundraising :) I find myself in the office working on my bootstrapped internet business around 45 hours per week, putting in another 1-2 hrs/day at home, a few hours on the weekends, all of which adds up to 8-12 hours of "deep work" per week given the emails/calls I have to do. I'm curious how much time other founders dedicate to their startup, along with how much time they spend on "deep work" in the course of a week.

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