New Show Hacker News story: Show HN: Founder Chats – Connecting Hacker News Founder Community

Show HN: Founder Chats – Connecting Hacker News Founder Community
26 by yurylifshits | 11 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN community! A huge number of startup founders are reading Hacker News, but it's still very hard to make new personal connections here and help each other with product building, growth, or fundraising. As an experiment to make HN founder community more connected, I've created a system of chat groups, organized by location, industry sector, and priority tasks. We were testing it out for the last couple of weeks, starting with 200+ YCombinator alum companies. Now already have 1000+ startups there, and 80+ venture investors have joined to connect with founders early. Many pitch practices scheduled, intros made, spontaneous meetups planned, and even a few seed rounds have been raised using chat intros there. Check it out:

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