New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What is a good book to learn about the components of modern APIs?

Ask HN: What is a good book to learn about the components of modern APIs?
3 by throwaway_shame | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I am wondering if there is a good resource(preferably a book) that details the components for building scalable APIs. I wish to learn to how to properly secure the endpoints, rate limiting, etc. My background in CS is not formal but I have built a few webapps and hosted on AWS but I was never sure if I was doing it the right way. For example, I know to access DB it is better to use connection pools than not but I do not know how much of scalability this gives. Secondly, I want to learn about things like how/when messaging queues are used and several other similar solutions and the drawbacks of just using a DB to achieve these functionalities. Thirdly, thirdly things like how to secure the app, caching, CDNs, Load balancing etc. To frame my question differently, I wish to learn about various services a Cloud vendor like AWS offers, why such a solution is necessary, what are the alternative ways of achieving something that a particular service offers and trade-offs among the alternatives and finally how to put it all together. Any reference will be greatly helpful. EDIT: I have specifically mentioned about APIs and not web apps to leave out the front-end aspects.

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