New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: My company is forcing remote work. How to be effective?

Ask HN: My company is forcing remote work. How to be effective?
3 by eyeball | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I work for a fairly old-school company. Coronavirus plan came down from on high today and mandated that anyone who does not need to be in the office to get their work done start working from home. My group (about 10 people) is very much a "meet in person" team so this will be new to us. We currently manage work through weekly planning meetings, daily check ins, a kanban board, and github. Lots of 1-1 and group meetings to talk through problems, review code, etc. For communication tools, we have skype chat, conference call lines, and email. What are the best practices we should get into to make this effective?

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