New ask Hacker News story: Ed-Tech Startup Pivoting to Online Homeschooling

Ed-Tech Startup Pivoting to Online Homeschooling
2 by OscarPedroso | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Not sure that this is the right place to post this but I'm throwing it out there for feedback. We've made a recent pivot to our education-tech startup by offering our robotics and coding curriculum to parents that are new to homeschooling their kids. With rampant school closures, a few families have reached out to us asking for hands-on lessons that include materials and live instruction. Is there anyone else out there with this problem? Since this is new to us, we're giving away four 1-hr workshops for free for anyone looking to sign up a child (grades 4-12). We're just charging for the kit materials which we'll deliver to you. In return, we'd love your feedback to improve the experience. Projects focus on beginners and advanced learners with activities ranging from building basic circuits to WiFi robots, synthesizers, and other electronics. Below is a link to receive more info or you can reach out to if you have specific questions. Thanks all! :)

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