New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Anyone want to work on a Clojure project to learn?

Ask HN: Anyone want to work on a Clojure project to learn?
4 by elamje | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I have recently been spending a good amount of my free time doing small things with Clojure to learn and toy with it. It's one of the first times that I have genuinely enjoyed programming and I want to make something really cool now. I am hoping there are a couple of others out there in the same boat, that have a few hours each week to work on something interesting together, while honing our Clojure skills. I would love to get a small group of people together (preferably in the early stages of learning and working with Clojure) to build something meaningful and interesting together. I don't have ideas yet, but it would interesting if it harnessed high concurrency and some distributed processing so we could get better at Clojure's bread and butter. If you are interested DM me on twitter: @elamje, Keybase: j3elam, or comment a way for me contact you!

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