New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What timeline should I expect for a whole genome sequencing service?

Ask HN: What timeline should I expect for a whole genome sequencing service?
2 by spraak | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Back on "Black Friday" of 2018 I bought the whole genome sequencing service from Dante Labs (US version). After I submitted the sample I would inquire every few weeks or so to ask about my results. Each time I would get "it's almost ready". It's now been over five(!) months and I am still getting the same response when I ask about my results. I think I wouldn't be so frustrated if the expectations were set - e.g. if they told me "it will be ready in six months", but instead I keep hearing that it's any day now... how long do these things take? Is it company specific, or do most services offering a product like this take this long?

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